
006 翩跹

My words that are slight
may lightly dance upon time’s waves
when my works heavy with import have gone down.

011 自由的爱

Let my love, like sunlight, surround you
and yet give you illumined freedom.

016 念旧

Memory, the priestess, kills the present
and offers its heart to the shrine of the dead past.

018 如流的思绪

My mind starts up at some flash
on the flow of its thoughts
like a brook at a sudden liquid note of its own
that is never repeated.

019 寂静与波澜

In the mountain, stillness surges up
to explore its own height;
in the lake, movement stands still
to contemplate its own depth.

020 临行一吻

The departing night’s one kiss
on the closed eyes of morning
glows in the star of dawn.

030 历久弥坚

One who was distant came near to me in the morning,
and still nearer when taken away by night.

033 慢冷

The lake lies low by the hill,
a tearful entreaty of love
at the foot of the inflexible.

035 我

The breeze whispers to the lotus,
“What is thy secret?”
“It is myself,” says the lotus,
“Steal it and I disappear!”

037 纯粹

The jasmine’s lisping of love to the sun is her flowers.

040 幻化

Clouds are hills in vapour,
hills are clouds in stone,
a phantasy in time’s dream.

044 日日新

My heart to-day smiles at its past night of tears
like a wet tree glistening in the sun
after the rain is over.

046 相依

The one without second is emptiness,
the other one makes it true.

049 因为是你

In love I pay my endless debt to thee for what thou art.

058 守候

Thou hast risen late, my crescent moon,
but my night bird is still awake to greet thee.

072 慢慢长日

The lamp waits through the long day of neglect
for the flame’s kiss in the night.

073 甘于现状

Feathers in the dust lying lazily content
have forgotten their sky.

077 无心

Your careless gifts of a moment,
like the meteors of an autumn night,
catch fire in the depth of my being.

083 珍惜

I lingered on my way till thy cherry tree lost its blossom,
but the azalea brings to me, my love, thy forgiveness.

084 错过

Thy shy little pomegranate bud,
blushing to-day behind her veil,
will burst into a passionate flower
to-morrow when I am away.

087 自在

These paper boats of mine are meant to dance
on the ripples of hours,
and not to reach any destination.

091 不群

You live alone and unrecompensed
because they are afraid of your great worth.

098 放下

My love of to-day finds no home
in the nest deserted by yesterday’s love.

101 无踪

Thou hast vanished from my reach,
leaving an impalpable touch in the blue of the sky,
an invisible image in the wind moving among the shadows.

104 飞鸿印雪

I leave no trace of wings in the air,
but I am glad I have had my flight.

107 落花有意

While the rose said to the sun,
“I shall ever remember thee,”
her petals fell to the dust.

109 爱过痛过

Though the thorn in thy flower pricked me,
O Beauty, I am grateful.

111 自足

Let not my love be a burden on you, my friend,
know that it pays itself.

114 园囿

The dew-drop knows the sun
only within its own tiny orb.

121 共鸣

The world speaks to me in pictures,
my soul answers in music.

123 黑暗过后

The darkness of night, like pain, is dumb,
the darkness of dawn, like peace, is silent.

129 无垠

In its swelling pride
the bubble doubts the truth of the sea,
and laughs and bursts into emptiness.

130 爱,不可解

Love is an endless mystery,
for it has nothing else to explain it.

137 爱,不明言

Love remains a secret when spoken,
for only a lover truly knows that he is loved.

143 爱,耐寻味

In the bounteous time of roses love is wine,
it is food in the famished hour
when their petals are shed.

171 掠影

Your flitting love lightly brushed with its wings my sun-flower
and never asked if it was ready to surrender its honey.

174 途中

My offerings are not for the temple
at the end of the road,
but for the wayside shrines
that surprise me at every bend.

175 笑靥

Your smile, my love,
like the smell of a strange flower,
is simple and inexplicable.

179 隔岸

Between the shores of Me and Thee
there is the loud ocean, my own surging self,
which I long to cross.

181 瑕不掩瑜

The rose is a great deal more
than a blushing apology for the thorn.

189 I See You

Let your love see me
even through the barrier of nearness.

197 选择不言

In the shady depth of life
are the lonely nests of memories
that shrink from words.

203 无力的表达

The shore whispers to the sea:
“Write to me what thy waves struggle to say.”
The sea writes in foam again and again
and wipes off the lines in a boisterous despair.

204 合奏

Let the touch of thy finger thrill my life’s strings
and make the music thine and mine.

206 载体

Form is in Matter, rhythm in Force,
meaning in the Person.

211 唯有感受

Some have thought deeply and explored
the meaning of thy truth,
and they are great.
I have listened to catch the music of thy play,
and I am glad.

233 窗

My mind has its true union with thee, O sky,
at the window which is mine own,
and not in the open
where thou hast thy sole kingdom.

230 表达

Those thoughts of mine that are never captured by words
perch upon my song and dance.

233 爱与光明

The sunlight opens for me the world’s gate,
love’s light its treasure.

245 人生如戏

I miss the meaning of my own part
in the play of life
because I know not of the parts
that others play.

253 接纳

My last salutations are to them
who knew me imperfect and loved me.

254 爱的礼物

Love’s gift cannot be given, it waits to be accepted.

257 旅人

Before the end of my journey
may I reach within myself
the one which is the all,
leaving the outer shell
to float away with the drifting multitude
upon the current of chance and change.